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Leads or Customers: The Choice is Yours

Very tricky question to respond for every marketer. Choosing between lead generation and customer happiness is always a tight rope walk for marketers. However, the same cannot be neglected. Often, marketing strategy revolves around these two key attributes with their own respective outcomes. It would be essential for every marketer to attain balance between them, and get desired business objectives.

While creating a new marketing campaign, marketers have to undergo stiff exercise to deliver final draft containing strategies and objectives. It is up to marketers to allot necessary importance to all the essential ingredients of successful marketing campaigns. And these two are essential to prepare sustained strategical recipe. 

It is important to differentiate between short term and long term objectives, enabling marketers to choose right mode to deliver marketing message. These objectives define the importance of every single attribute to be included in the goals. 

Generally, it is better to create a long-term strategy to make brand stable and consistent. In this scenario, customer satisfaction will definitely have an edge over lead generation. No doubt, lead generation if of utmost importance, however, one cannot undermine customer satisfaction in the lead generation process. A combination of both attributes will definitely have strong brand, and stable customer base.


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